Alex Cloud Приложения

Alex Cloud
Gallery of drawings for tattoos. Abstract& Animals.
Aesop's Fables 1.0
Alex Cloud
This is a collection of fables credited toAesop, a slave and story-teller believed to have lived in ancientGreece between 620 and 560 BCE.
Nautical Terminology. Aboard. 1.1
Alex Cloud
Step aboard a yacht, and enter a new world. Nolonger speak of the front or back but bow or stern.The pictures explain the basic terminology. These terms are commonfor both motor and sailing yachts.Aimed at those wanting to learn/learning Day Skipper, CoastalSkipper, Yacht master Offshore, Competent Crew and Start YachtingTheory Course.
Mooring 1.1
Alex Cloud
Whether you’re a boat owner or are usingsomeone else’s boat, it is necessary to know something aboutmoorings. Here is some basic information about mooringsystems.Aimed at those wanting to learn/learning Day Skipper, CoastalSkipper, Yacht master Offshore, Competent Crew and Start YachtingTheory Course.
Pirate Stories. Conan Doyle 1.0
Alex Cloud
The Dealings of Captain Sharkey and OtherTales of Pirates.Mixing adventure, horror, humor and romance, these vivid tales areas entertaining as one could wish, vivid and surprising.
Aboard2 1.0
Alex Cloud
Step aboard a yacht, and enter a new world. Nolonger speak of the front or back but bow or stern.The pictures explain the basic terminology. These terms are commonfor both motor and sailing yachts.Aimed at those wanting to learn/learning Day Skipper, CoastalSkipper, Yacht master Offshore, Competent Crew and Start YachtingTheory Course.
700 Shipping Abbreviations 1.0
Alex Cloud
We deal with a lot of abbreviations on a dailybasis, but not all of us know what it is and what it means. Hereare some of the practical and common day to day abbreviations used.This is by no means complete, but so far it just covers the termsthat we use on a daily basis in terms of shipping operations.
Nautical Terminology. A Marina 1.1
Alex Cloud
Everyday English is rich with colorful phrasesmany of which have nautical origins. Words such as 'atloggerheads', 'the bitter end', and 'leeway' all have a marineorigin. A loggerhead may not be used today, but there are a greatnumber of other terms specific to the nautical environment whichare and must be learned.Aimed at those wanting to learn/learning Day Skipper, CoastalSkipper, Yacht master Offshore, Competent Crew and Start YachtingTheory Course.
49 Situations At Sea Full 1.0
Alex Cloud
49 of the most common situations in traffic atsea.These cards depict situations that are likely to occur wheninvolved in traffic at sea. In each case you are in command andlooking forward from the various vessels (power driven, fishing,and sailing on both tacks) at a situation that is developing. Youare invited to decide what to do in each case before turning thecard to see the correct course of action on the reverse.Aimed at those wanting to learn/learning Day Skipper, CoastalSkipper, Yacht master Offshore, Competent Crew and Start YachtingTheory Course.
3000 IT Abbreviations 1.0
Alex Cloud
Computer industry likes to use acronyms andabbreviations.There are literally thousands of computerabbreviations out there. Many are concerned with the technicalaspects of the computer while others deal with personalcommunication. Following are some of them.
Mazeppa Lord Byron 1.0
Alex Cloud
Byron wrote this poem based on the true storyof Mazeppa from Voltaire's "The History of Charles XII, King ofSweden."The man who filled this position at that time was a Polish noblenamed Mazeppa, who had been born in the Palatinate of Podolia; hehad been a page to King John Casimir and had acquired a littlelearning at his court. In his youth he had an affair with the wifeof another Polish nobleman. When the husband discovered it, he hadhim tied stark naked on the back of a wild horse and let him loosein that state. The horse, which came from the Ukraine, returnedthere, carrying Mazeppa, half-dead from fatigue and hunger. Somepeasants succoured him, and he remained among them for a long time,distinguishing himself in several expeditions against the Tartars.His superior learning gave him great prestige among the Cossacks;finally, his daily-increasing reputation forced the tsar to makehim prince of the Ukraine.
Port Directory Florida Marinas 1.0
Alex Cloud
Main ports and marinas in the State ofFlorida.
Diamond Buying Guide 1.0
Alex Cloud
Various characteristics of diamonds are gradedand categorized by the diamond industry. Diamond Buying Guide willhelp you to discover diamond buying information that includesdescriptions of the various diamond cuts, diamond clarity, diamondcolor, carat weight, certificates, and more.
Port Directory French Riviera 1.0
Alex Cloud
Contact details of ports on French Riviera,Cote d'Azur, useful for booking berth rentals for short term, longterm, seasonal, wintering etc.
Private Collection: Luminaires 1.0
Alex Cloud
Exclusive Private Collection of Chandeliersand Lamps XIX-XX century.
Navigation Rules ROR 1.0
Alex Cloud
Navigation Rules, The Colregs,InternationalRegulations for Avoiding Collisions at Sea, Rules ofthe Road,ROR